Sunday, February 25, 2007

How to be a top flirt?

FLIRTING: "To play at love, without serious intentions." It is often done to arouse sexual interest in another person. Flirting is fun; it is just kidding around. Have the intention of fun and nothing else. It is not serious, so you cant do anything wrong! It is kind of a joke about what they're doing; with which you tease them and kid them about. Remember: You dont have to do the right thing, because you are just kidding.

Your FRAME OF MIND is very important in flirting. Don't try to be a flirt. Skills of flirting come automatically to you from your sub-consciousness if you just loosen yourself and have a positive approach of mind.

Flirting Tips

1. Focus outward. Keep your attention outside yourself, toward a particular flirting target or toward the general social environment. You can't flirt while you're self-absorbed.

2. While flirting, follow up with a helpful comment. That helps them know you are kind, not just light-heartedly rude.

3. Body Language: Straighten up, good posture, shoulders relaxed, arms uncrossed, lean forward slightly.

4. Have fun. Be playful, light-hearted and spontaneous. Show your vulnerability.

5. Compliment. Compliment your flirting partner. The best compliments have the element of surprise. The "flirtee" will know that you really noticed them. Remember, your compliments must be honest, sincere and genuine. When you receive a compliment the best response is merely to say Thank You!

6. Use your eyes. Whether in conversation or across the room, look at your target's eyes a little longer than necessary, and keep a small smile on your own face while you do that.

7. Smile. It is contagious. It will make you so much more approachable. A smile lights up your face and draws people to you.

Best Romantic Ideas

1. Get tulips and attach this note: "I've got two-lips waiting for you!"

2. On a special occasion, buy your partner eleven real red roses and one artificial red rose. Place the artificial rose in the center of the bouquet. Attach a card that says:“I will love you until the last rose fades.”

3. If your partner is going away for a few days, tell her that you are worried about
her so you have organized a bodyguard to look after her. Then give her a
small teddy bear.

4. Write him/her a check for one million kisses.

5. Take a book that your partner is reading and using a pencil, underline letters in a section of the book she has yet to read to spell out a love letter. For example in any exert from a novel, you may underline the letters so that the underlined letters come together to spell out your secret message. That secret message may be "I love you" or "Honey, you are my life" or anything you want.

The underlined letters will make your partner curious and with a bit of luck she will write them down to decode your special message.

6. Buy a packet of glow in the dark stars and stick the stars on the roof above
your bed to spell out a message such as "I Love You" When the lights go
down, your message will be revealed!

7. Buy a tree with your partner and plant it in a special spot. Each year on your
anniversary, have a glass of champagne next to your tree and talk about how
your love and the tree have grown.

Monday, February 19, 2007

How to use non-verbal communication to flirt and express your personal traits

People often view flirting and revealing their personal traits along the way as a big step that one doesn’t enter into lightly. And that’s mostly true if you’re making your first intimate relationship with the opposite sex, or you’ve been single for a long time.

Use non-verbal communication for attracting women

However one thing people often do not consider is simply being yourself will make you seem most natural.

The closest that you can come to being natural is to use non-verbal communication. You can definitely change what is natural.

Examine this list and see if you think you have all the essential skills:

1. Use non-verbal communication to express your personal traits

2. Identify your personality traits - figure out how to apply it to flirting

3. Know to initiate flirting - direct approach

So, let's evaluate all-important steps one by one!

Pick the best of multitude of your personality qualities

We all have a multitude of personality qualities, each of varying power. For attracting women’s attention and hence get a chance to flirt you need to show off some of them. In certain situations, you can choose which of these traits you wish to bring out.

Bringing out a trait that you've never used in the situation before takes some work, but will eventually become natural.

Identify your personality traits - figure out how to apply it to flirting

The key to changing your social behavior is identifying your personality traits. First, figure out that you have it, and then figure out how to apply it to the situation that needs it.

Making an eye contact could be your effective way to meet women. Very son you’ll get a clue if she’s interested in your company.

Initiate flirting - direct approach

More direct approach works well if you have build up some self-confidence already. Sure it takes some practice even experience first.

You may just say something to her. If she's interested, the only thing she'll notice is that you are talking to her - you don't have to impress her with something witty and worldly.

Relationships built on initial intimacy

Gradually work up to a small bit of intimacy - a light touch, something whispered. Try to imagine how you would like her to flirt with you and then do exactly that.

Bottom line: most of the women out there are at least as nervous and shy as you are. It’s far more comfortable to sit back and wait for the first move, made by the other part. The sad thing about relationships is that you could wait for a long time.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Office Flirting: Tips, Pros and Cons

Most of companies have framed policies on relationships between the co-workers. Flirting do falls in this category. Thus, before you try flirting in the office it is always recommended to check the policies of your company otherwise you will be put into greater trouble. Though the company policies are not widely known there will be a mention of it in the employee handbook.

Whether your company has stated the co-worker relationships policies to you or has mentioned it in the handbook, it is duty to have a better understanding about the company policies. It doesn’t mean that office relationships are not bad, many of the flirting in the office have resulted in a positive end. At times the person in a relation will be leaving the company if the office policies are against such a relation.

Pros of Flirting in the Office
Flirting is expected if two people find themselves attracted to one another. In most of the times they won’t be aware that they are flirting in the office. They would have started a friendly chat and it would have ended with flirting in the office. One thing that is positive for flirting in the office is that it gives the persons more convenience since the place is more frequented. This will sure add more zing to their days and will make them to come to the office in a daily basis.

Flirting in the office boosts people with confidence and makes them to perform their duty well. If both of you don’t have dislike for flirting in the office, it is always agreeable for flirting in the office. But remember that flirting in the office does not cross the limits and develops a problem.

Cons of Flirting in the Office
Flirting in the office leads to sexual harassment in most of the cases. And sometimes it can result in the company terminating you both from the job. Sexual harassment makes the other person feel uncomfortable. Sexual harassment will lead into further investigation at your office. It is the grapevine that spreads the word of sexual harassment at office. So be careful with your actions and words since it can bring in negative results. No one said that flirting in the office is a crime, make it tailored to each situation. The positive problems of the flirting in office could affect everyone.

Flirting: More Limit, More Fun!

Flirting is one kind of communicative way to learn people. This kind of interaction serves to be the best way to find more essential relationship in life. Flirting is as ancient as Adam and Eve; mostly everyone may have come across such experiences. Varying according to the culture and country they live, mostly all people may have come across this kind of experience. People may have gone mad or human race would not have promulgated this extend and every human being has the urge to interact with the opposite sex.

Flirting: A base to evolution
Flirting plays an important role in evolution and many psychologist have found out that civilization takes its shape all because of flirting. Communication ability is the first thing that differentiates man from animals and language is the only mode that plays an important role in the endorsement of manners and courtship. Flirting allures everyone and entices people to fall in to a kind of world of intoxication where partners in sex. The scientific advancements are playing important role in shrinking the world into a small village and they are simply the best side effects of romance and flirting.

Everything has its own limits and manners. People who involve in flirting must know the set of manners to be followed. These are merely spoken words to do with the morale of the humankind and they are not given in the form of black and white. Even though these manners and laws are just spoken ones, people follow them without any difficulty. If such rules or laws are broken by anyone, that shows the selection of wrong person at wrong place.

Human mind is something that cannot be explored that easily. Understanding your partner is the most difficult task under the sun and only through the cues that are left by the partner you can learn him or her. Friendliness should never be mistake for sexual interest. Giving up wrong signals to others is not accepted in the highly orthodox society and society doesn’t entertain such things. Such fear in people is the reasons why few take much time to give flirtation signals soon to the opponent. Hence, the social researches are made on this field to find out the set of expected consequences.

There are many occasions that favour people to flirt. Parties, other occasions, celebrations and important social celebrations and parties are the few that help people to flirt with other sex. New Year and Christmas are the best and important occasions that support people to spend much time on flirting and they are expected to follow the social sanctions. Only adequate and tolerable social behaviour are the unwritten laws that people who flirts use. And it common that majority are sticking to the manners and laws in flirting.

How to seduce women?

First things first; Seduction is not a set of techniques; seduction is a state of mind that produces techniques of seduction. You behave according to what you think. Always remember this thing: "YOUR STATE OF MIND CREATES THE STATE OF YOUR RESULTS".

Step by step approach:

1. Correct Body language – art of nonverbal seduction
2. Approach her
3. Talk to her – cool essence is the key here
4. Make her your friend – be mysterious and predicatable (that is what women get attracted to) 5. Seduce her to the bed.

I am presuming that she is already your friend. And now all you want is to take her to your bed. Right?

First and foremost thing, seduction is a strategical game where your ULTIMATE GOAL is to have sex with someone. Second thing, you have to master the skills of reading the body language of women. All your answers lie there.

Now the question is how to succeed in this game of seduction?

1. Have Patience – Most of the men have the habit of rushing into everything, including sex. The trick to the game is to pretend that sex is the last thing on your mind (even though we all know it is the first thing).

2. Exude confidence & power – Both men and women are drawn to those who exude power, as there is something about the attribute that makes a person attractive. Be MYSTERIOUS & UNPREDICTABLE in your approach. Tell for youself, who excites you more - Peter Parker or Spiderman?

3. Be interested in what she has to say (fake it if you must) and above all make her laugh (with witty remarks rather than lame jokes and stupid behavior). This is utmost important.

4. Eye contact. Make eye contact, but please look her in the eye gently (no more than 2-4 seconds) and then glance away. Don't stare – it's a turn off. While talking, move closer to her and you can even touch her shoulders, back, etc. But you should appear very casual and please, don’t overdo that. Judge every movement of her and try reading her body language. You will get your answers whether she is interested or not. Act accordingly. Follow your instincts.

5. Learn to use your own voice to more effect. Speak slowly, surely and more deeply. All women love a very slow, deep speaking voice. Women find this to be very sexy and very attractive.

6. Have fun. Be playful, light-hearted and spontaneous. Show your vulnerability. Always wear a smile. Develop a charming personality and you will become a people magnet.
Likewise, when you can master the key sex cues like the smile, voice tonality, body language and the others, you can make women feel deep attraction even if you look like a half-mutant crossbreed between Chewbacca and Greedo.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Dating and Romance

Learn What Is Important About The First 90 Days of Dating and Romance

Romance novels are about the first ninety days of a dating experience. They write about the time when passion is the greatest, sex is the best it’s ever been with anyone ever and you have found the world’s only perfect person. Sometimes love stories are told about dating and relationships that bloom and last through the years but the true dating and romance novel is about the first ninety days - or thereabouts.

There are those that will say that having a great first ninety days with someone portends the possibility of a great long term relationship. That’s truly hogwash. If you meet someone and are attracted enough to them to have a second or third date and initiate a sexual encounter then you can have a terrific few months. Anyone who attracts us that far will probably not fall off their pedestal until at least the over ninety days have past. Ninety days is not good test of anything. The honeymoon in a relationship generally lasts that long, and even longer.

We’re not saying the first ninety days is unimportant. It is. If the relationship turns out to be long term those first sexy romantic, passionate, head over heels in love days will be remembered always – even after the mate has long since departed this earth. But the first ninety days being blissful, loving, tender, sweet, passionate and endearing does not proof of long term love make. There are those whirlwind romances that bloom, go beyond the “honeymoon” stage and grow to commitment within the first ninety days.

They mostly happen in dating and relationships between older adults who’ve had long term relationships or marriages before. Most new relationships, however, haven’t progressed nearly that far in the first ninety days. It’s not until the fourth month or much later that you find out if he or she is commitment phobic, if they are a slob, if they hate children and don’t ever want to have any, if they are married to their work and will never have time for you, or if they’re ready to walk down the aisle and start breeding next year.

Then, of course, there are lasting relationships – many of them, in fact, whose initial dating days were horrible, were battles of will, with one or more of the potential partners running from the relationship, denying the attraction, or thinking the partner not well suited. Sometimes these relationships are the strongest because they have to really take a look at themselves and their partners before they make a strong decision that the relationship was meant to be. The first ninety days of these relationships due anything but tell the story of what is meant to be, and what should be.

All in all, the first ninety days may be great, and may be romantic and passionate and filled with great times and wonderful memories. But they don’t portend the future. Not at all.

What is the best online dating website?

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Dating pickup lines, do they work?

So should a guy make an effort to learn "pickup lines," or does that stuff not really work when it comes to meeting women?

Many guys put too much emphasis on learning "lines" and "techniques" when they are first starting down the path to success with women.

Lines and techniques can be helpful when you're first starting out... and some of them work pretty damn well!

But the truth is you won't achieve the massive success you desire until it comes from inside of you.

I've begun to see a pattern that almost all guys go through when learning this stuff:

Stage 1: Uses the lines and techniques he learns to "get out there" and get started. Experiences some success, and learns a lot.

Stage 2: Internalizes the right attitudes and beliefs, and starts to experience "natural success." Uses lines every once in a while, but doesn't rely on them.

Stage 3: Learns to attract women naturally and effortlessly. Makes up his own lines and techniques as he goes.

Keep this in mind, and use the lines and techniques you learn as "training wheels" to help take you to where you want to be… but make your ultimate goal to become a guy who "naturally" attracts women.

What's the right attitude to have when you are meeting a woman?

You should be totally detached from the "outcome" of any situation with a woman.

What that means is that no matter what she says or does, your life goes on the same way.

If a woman rejects you, it is no big deal.

If a woman goes home with you, it is also no big deal.

Try to become the guy who doesn't care either way. This attitude of indifference is magnetically attractive to women.

They can sense it the moment they start talking to a man.

But this isn't a way you can "act" or something you can say. It has to come from inside of you.

Make it a point to avoid the "scarcity" way of thinking at all costs.

Stay committed to your overall goal of success with women, but don't worry about success with any one woman.

There will always be another. Always.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Potential Ways To Meet Singles

Meeting people can be a real challenge, especially in our fast-paced society. Looking for Mr. (or Mrs.) Right instead of Mr. Right Now can be extremely challenging. Before you become overwhelmed with frustration and decide to commit to a nunnery, try a few simple ideas first.

Get out of the house and look for events and activities that interest you. Ladies, do not look for a date at a drag strip unless you actually like NASCAR. Men, do not look for a date in a cooking class unless you fully intend on using some of those skills that you will be learning. Seek out places that match your interests – trying to change yourself can really backfire.

Many communities have health clubs for fitness fanatics or book clubs for avid readers. Find your niche. Local colleges and universities will often offer extended learning courses or free seminars. If you find one that interests you, don’t be afraid to go alone. It’s like a two-for-one –you may learn something and meet someone new!

As cliché as it may sound, try meeting people in church. Even if there does not appear to be any singles, little church-going older women are always looking for that special someone for their grandsons, nieces, etc. Never underestimate “word-of-mouth.” Who hasn’t been set up with a single friend of so and so? Maybe blind dates simply aren’t your thing- but at least you will be putting yourself out there!

Another great way to meet people is to place personal ads. These can be placed online or in newspapers. However, be careful. If you feel like you need to throw up a red flag, do so. That’s one of the joys of not knowing who you are meeting- they aren’t sure who may be standing them up.

Numerous websites feature chat rooms, personal ads, and individual photos of other members to help you find a date. Explore and browse but be careful. The computer may help you meet people but it can also provide a faceless chatroom conversation. It may be better to get outside your home, meet people, and have fun.

Notice that bars and nightclubs have not been mentioned. If you pick up a woman (or man) in a bar, what you see is entirely what you will end up with. Remember, they may not be there to find Mr. Right. That attractive girl at the end of the bar may only be looking for Mr. Right Now.

Be open to new possibilities but don’t pretend to be something that you are not. Enjoy who you are and maybe someone else will to.

Group Dating In Your Thirties

In junior high, before our parents would let us go out solo with the cute boy from history class, we embarked into the crowded and often hormone filled cesspool of group dating. Usually we were paired up with other kids our parents were friends with. Or worse, we had to cross our fingers that we didn’t get stuck with older brothers with new driver’s licenses or teamed up with cousins in town visiting for the holidays. All we wanted were a few stolen moments with the cute boy, but we rarely, if ever, got them.

Now that you are in your thirties the concept of group dating may seem as grubby as those flannel shirts you used to wear every day, but group dating is the perfect opportunity to embrace the retro. If you are single you may have anxiety over the dreaded third wheel syndrome. This is why a group (defined as a cluster of person or things) is for you.

Not quite ready to spend so much alone time with the possible Mr. Right? Chances are you have friends that are also in different spectrums of the dating rainbow. A couple that has been together for ages can rekindle some of their old spark in a group date setting.

Much like compiling the perfect mixed tape, approaching group dating is all about the right balance. The first thing to consider is who should be in the group. Even when best behavior is anticipated, some personalities just don’t jive well. This is not the time to bring together people with opposing political or religious views. While the heated conversations might make a great floorshow in the back seat of your car, after a while everyone will be miserable. This is also not the time or place for dabbling in matchmaking. In general people don’t like the surprise set-up, even if it was done with the best of intentions.

Now that you have your group in mind it is time to mull over activities. The time-honored classic ‘dinner and a movie’ is fun in a group. There is nothing like taking up a full row in the movie theatre and passing tubs of popcorn down the line. There are, however, many other options for group dating.

Consider going en masse to a concert just out of town. The car ride there is a perfect way for new people to get to know each other. By the time you are on your way home new friendships have formed.

Trying out the trendy and hip new nightclub downtown might seem daunting. You may be tempted to go for the old standard of doing it up as a girl’s night out. Contemplate expanding your invite list to make it a group date. Established couples get the nudge to break their routine, new couples aren’t saddled with just one dancing partner, and singles can play the field with the added security of knowing that a group is there for back up or security. Group dating is your ultimate wing-man.

What should you order on a first date?

  • 72% of women on the West Coast order red wine, 49% of East Coast women order white wine, while 21% of Midwest women prefer an iced beer on a first date.
  • 31% of men order wine (64% of those men order red, usually Pinot Noir, hmmm...anything to do with Sideways?

  • Although 15% of singles order a mixed drink on a first date, the type of "mixed drink" varies by gender. Men prefer T&T's or Scotch as cocktails before their meal and wine with dinner, whereas women prefer martini's or Cosmo's as "mixed drinks" before and during dinner.

  • 39% of singles pay $25 - $40 on a bottle of wine on a first date; however Texan men save extra cash to get their shoes shined and spend only $15 on a bottle on a first date.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Tips to start your own online Adult Dating website

Adult Dating Services - A Lucrative Home Based Business With No Shortage Of Customers
With over 33% percent of Net Surfers being single in one way or another, it would be wise to assume that these people would appreciate intimate human company at some point.

* Start Up Costs
* How Do You Make Money?
* Marketing a Dating Web Site
* Maintenance

I know this to be true because the term dating was searched 4,300,740 times last month at And that is just one search term at one engine.

According to a search engine book, to get an estimate of how many times a search term is searched on Google, just multiply the Overture number by 15. These figures indicate a market with a need that you can fill.

The need to love and be loved is one of the greatest human needs. The need to be loved and feel loved can even become more important than the need for survival. This need manifests itself as a want.

The want for a companion and human contact. This market is probably as old as human history. The need for love is just as important in the human creature today as it was thousands of years ago.

While I was reading some success stories at Secrets To Their Success Website, I discovered a dating website generating $30,000 to $50, 000 per month. According to the article, the site was up and making sales in a day. The owner builds and maintains the website herself and has no staff.

Start Up Costs

Do It All Yourself

If you do the web design yourself, the cost to start a dating website is minimal. Domain Name registration - $15 or less per year. Web hosting for under $10 per month. Your time. These days, good web hosting plans include pre installed Content Management Systems (CMS) which means that minimal web design work is reqiured. Simply click a few buttons and you are ready to start publishing.

The CMS paper and the Do It Yourself Webmaster Guide are two free reports which can be downloaded at this site. They contain much more information about web hosting, CMS, and the do it yourself process.

Pre-Built Dating Web Sites

If you do not want to do the web design yourself, you can start your own dating website with your chioce of 14 professional turnkey designs starting at $995. These sites include a domain name of your chioce, ecommerce software and 400 member profiles. The price does not include web hosting.

How Do You Make Money?
# Create a simple dating website with 10 - 50 articles.
# Join an Online Dating affiliate program and place affiliate links throughout the pages.
# Send traffic to your Online dating web site.
Who Pays You?
It's good to start with just one or two affiliate programs at first. The reason for this is that it is much better to spend time getting visitors to your site than it is to waste time looking for new programs to join.

When the site starts to get a bit of traffic, and you are making a few sales, then join more programs. It is easy to waste time looking around for a hot affiliate program, but the bottom line is without any traffic, who will buy?

You can keep it simple by joining a big dating affiliate program like Cashring. Cashring has over 4 000 000 million members world wide so you have a good chance of matching some people together. Cashring has excellent marketing tools like their link generator which enables you to create links for specific niche groups.

The main benefit of this is that you need not target heavily searched terms with a lot of competition. You can target search terms with less competition. Targeting a specific niche produces better conversion ratios. You get paid a commission every time a free member decides to purchase a premium membership.

Marketing A Dating Website
You will need to acquire skill at getting traffic to your site. As your skill evolves, you will generate more traffic which will produce more commissions. The more targeted the traffic the better your conversion ratios will be.

One of the best sources of free traffic is search engines. Educating yourself about search engine optimization is essential for the do it yourself webmaster. The Affiliate Masters Course is a Free download which provides lots of information about how to get search engine traffic.

Learn to create fast loading pages that tell the search engines what your page is about. Before you go off submitting to thousands of search engines though, you might like to review this previous article.

Marketers also use pay-per-click search engine ads with keywords in the headline. This can be used as a compliment to your other marketing efforts or as a stand alone strategy.

You will need to do your sums with this form of marketing because you don't want the cost of clicks to be more than your affiliate commissions. This is the quickest way I know of to get traffic to a brand new site. I use Google AdWords for all my pay-per-click projects.

Another way to get traffic is to write an eBook that will appeal to your audience and give it away free as a download. Make sure that your free eBook has meaning and value to justify the download. People are not interested in downloading useless junk with nothing to read but ads.

On the download page, let people know that they can distribute the ebook freely. List your ebook with sites like eBook Palace. After a while, there will be thousands of your eBooks in circulation and each ebook will have your links inside.

How To Maintain Your Dating Website
To be more helpful to your visitors, you might like to continue adding new articles to the site. Fresh content about the Online Dating scene, relationships, love, romance, self confidence, Online Dating safety issues and other related topics will encourage visitors to return and tell their friends about it.

Visit other Online Dating websites and see what they do

Maybe you can get some fresh ideas and add new concepts to your website so that it has that unique look and feel. Maybe your visitors would like to subscribe to your Online Dating Tip Of The Week newsletter or download a free ebook about love and relationships.